Thursday, January 16, 2025


 Future of Jobs Report 2025

Fastest growing and declining jobs by 2030

Top fastest growing jobs

Big data specialists

2 FinTech engineers


Al and machine learning specialists


Software and applications developers


Security management specialists


Data warehousing specialists


Autonomous and electric vehicle specialists


Ul and UX designers

Light truck or delivery services drivers

10 Internet of things specialists


Data analysts and scientists


Environmental engineers


Information security analysts


DevOps engineers


Renewable energy engineers

Top fastest declining jobs


Postal service clerks


2 Bank tellers and related clerks


Data entry clerks


Cashiers and ticket clerks

5 Administrative assistants and executive secretaries

Printing and related trades workers


Accounting, bookkeeping and payroll clerks


Material-recording and stock-keeping clerks


Transportation attendants and conductors

Door-to-door sales workers, news and street vendors, and related workers



Graphic designers


Claims adjusters, examiners and investigators


Legal officials


Legal secretaries



Note: The jobs that survey respondents report the highest and lowest net growth (%) by 2030.

Source: World Economic Forum. (2025). Future of Jobs Report 2025.


Your autonomic nervous system controls your body’s automatic processes, with divisions to activate processes and relax them.
The autonomic nervous system manages body processes you don’t think about. Those processes include heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion and more.

 What is the History of Dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia has a long history, with documentation dating back to before 2000 BC in regions like China, India, and Indonesia. Each country had a similar name for the condition. In China it was known as ‘foot qi’, in Japan they called it ‘leg disease’, and in India and Indonesia it was named “bere-bere” which translates to “I can’t, I can’t”.

Over time the disease was found to be more common in cultures that consumed a lot of white rice. It has been discovered that the consumption of white rice can lead to thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, a vitamin which is crucial for nervous system health. Its prevalence increased notably in the 1800s, particularly among navy personnel on long voyages.

In 1884 a Japanese naval doctor by the name of Kanehiro Takaki became aware of the ‘bere-bere’ disease becoming a major health issue in the Japanese navy, causing a high number of deaths. He conducted a critical study which involved embarking on a voyage and altering the sailors’ diet by reducing the amount of white rice they ate. His findings confirmed that the ‘berebere’ disease was linked to dietary habits, especially the consumption of white rice, which can lead to thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. His research laid the groundwork for later discoveries of other contributing factors, including nerve damage, genetic disorders, blood loss, and histamine disorders. For more information, read Top 9 things⁰¹ you need to know about dysautonomia.

Notes ⁰¹:


1. Dysautonomia involves the ANS (autonomic nervous system)

2. Dysautonomia is a breakdown of the ANS

3. There are multiple types of dysautonomia

4. Dysautonomia has a wide range of symptoms

5. It can be a little tricky to get a dysautonomia diagnosis

6. Dysautonomia can be primary or secondary

7. Dysautonomia has a rich history

8. Long covid has been linked to the rise in dysautonomia cases

9. There is hope

Dysautonomia is becoming increasingly common; currently over 70 million people worldwide experience the condition. Yet, even though dysautonomia is quickly becoming a household name, there is still a lot of confusion and misinformation around what it is, what causes it, and how it presents.

This confusion is especially common because dysautonomia is an “invisible illness” - a type of chronic illness where the people who suffer from it may not appear sick. Due to the number of people afflicted by dysautonomia, it’s likely that you or someone you know has been impacted by it.

To answer some of your questions - here are the top 9 things you need to know about dysautonomia.

What treatment options are available for dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia is a condition where there is a dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) which controls unconscious body functions such as breathing, blood pressure, and digestion.

How do I know if I have dysautonomia? If you’re reading this, it is likely because you or someone you know is dealing with physical and/or mental symptoms that cannot be explained by their Family Practitioners. Those same well meaning practitioners’ diagnosis and treatment plans are often even less helpful.

1. Dysautonomia involves the ANS

Dysautonomia occurs when there is dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), so in order to understand what dysautonomia is, we have to first get a concept of the ANS. The autonomic nervous system is a matrix of nerves throughout the body that connect your brain to your organs.

In fact, the ANS is entwined with almost every organ and system in your body. This allows control of your subconscious body functions such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and many more. These are all processes that run in the background - you don’t have to think about them in order for them to continue; they keep working even when you are asleep.

The ANS further divides into two branches known as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. These two branches work oppositely of each other to maintain balance in the body.

You can think of the sympathetic nervous system like the “gas pedal” of your body; it revs things up and allows you to escape from danger (the fight or flight response). On the flip side, you have the parasympathetic nervous system which works like your body’s “brake pedal”; it calms things down (the rest and digest functions).

In a healthy, functioning body, these two systems work together to keep all of your organ systems running smoothly (Cleveland Clinic).

So what happens when this system isn’t balanced and working the way it’s supposed to? Enter: dysautonomia.

2. Dysautonomia is a breakdown of the ANS

Let’s keep going with our car analogy. Imagine driving somewhere, and as you’re driving you alternate between using your gas and brake pedals. This allows you to maintain a safe driving speed, stop at appropriate places, or accelerate quickly to get out of the way of potential mishap.

How well do you think you could drive if your brake lines were cut, and it was impossible for you to stop when you needed to? Or if, in addition to no brakes, there was a brick on your gas pedal hurtling you at breakneck speeds down the road, and you could only attempt control with wild steering? What if you were trying to drive with both your gas and brake pedals completely floored at the same time?

Just as these would not be safe or functional ways to drive, when our body’s “gas and brake pedals” (the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) are not functioning the way they are supposed to, it can wreak havoc.

Dysautonomia, then, is the name for any condition that disrupts the autonomic nervous system. It can range in severity from extremely mild to debilitating, and can affect a variety of organs. Dysautonomia is sometimes also referred to as autonomic dysfunction or autonomic neuropathy (Cleveland Clinic).

Since dysautonomia is a condition of the nervous system which primarily affects internal organs, this is what contributes to it being considered an “invisible illness”. However, this doesn’t mean that those who have this condition are faking or playing up their symptoms and struggles!

Even though outward signs of the condition are less common, the impact on quality of life can be enormous. Just as with any other illness, those with dysautonomia need compassion and support, even if you don’t see physical manifestations of their condition.

3. There are multiple types of dysautonomia

Dysautonomia is an umbrella term for many conditions of the autonomic nervous system. It involves a broad spectrum of symptoms and severities, which can significantly impact daily living. It is also possible to experience and be diagnosed with more than one type of dysautonomia at a time. A few of these conditions include the following:

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) – Characterized by an excessive heart rate increase upon standing among other symptoms. This is the most common form of dysautonomia, with an estimated 500,000-3 million Americans having the condition.

Orthostatic Hypotension (OH) – A form of low blood pressure that happens when standing up from sitting or lying down.

Vasovagal Syncope (VVS) – Also known as neurally mediated syncope (NMS), this is a common form of fainting that occurs in response to a trigger, such as prolonged standing or emotional stress.

Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (ISA) – A chronic condition where the heart rate is over 100 beats per minute while at rest.

Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy (AAG) – Also known as acute pandysautonomia, characterized by orthostatic hypotension, numbness in the hands and feet, among other symptoms.

Baroreflex Failure – Happens when there is a failure of the baroreflex mechanism, which helps maintain a stable blood pressure.

Familial Dysautonomia (Riley-Day Syndrome) – A rare genetic disorder that affects the sensory and autonomic nervous systems.

Pure Autonomic Failure (PAF) – A degenerative disease of the autonomic nervous system that causes severe orthostatic hypotension.

Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) – A progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by autonomic dysfunction and motor impairment.(Dysautonomia Support)

4. Dysautonomia has a wide range of symptoms

Think again about all of the body systems that the ANS is involved in (essentially all of them). Because of this, dysautonomia can look different based on which organs are involved.

The primary symptoms that most people experience are:

● Fatigue

● Dizziness

● Brain fog

● Shortness of breath

● Difficulty sleeping

● Poor circulation and blood pooling in feet and legs

However this can vary from person to person. If your eyes are affected by your nervous system dysfunction, you may experience vision changes, blurriness, wide or pinpoint pupils, and dry or watery eyes.

If your cardiovascular system is being affected, you may have tachycardia, blood pressure changes, or blood pooling in your legs and feet.

The symptoms of dysautonomia can seem extremely varied and disconnected, which is why seeing a practitioner who understands dysautonomia is very important (Cleveland Clinic).

5. It can be a little tricky to get a dysautonomia diagnosis

What do headaches, poor digestion, and heart palpitations have in common? This seeming disconnection between symptoms can be one of the struggles when trying to get dysautonomia diagnosed. Many physicians hyper-specialize in their own areas - neurology, gastroenterology, cardiology, and so on.

But, of course, all of those symptoms and systems are connected to the ANS. Unfortunately, when a condition such as dysautonomia is present, there’s not just a single system or organ involved; a full body picture is necessary to truly understand what’s going on.

Because of this, finding a physician who is familiar with (or even specializes in) dysautonomia is essential to receiving prompt and adequate care. The types of physicians who treat dysautonomia range across many specialties, but the most common are neuromuscular doctors, cardiologists, and neurologists. Organizations such as The Dysautonomia Project have physician finder links to assist individuals in finding a provider near them.

Once an appropriate physician has been located, they are able to walk clients through the specific tests that can be helpful in obtaining a diagnosis. Often, dysautonomia is a diagnosis of exclusion, and it can take quite a bit of time and teamwork to obtain an official diagnosis (Cleveland Clinic).

6. Dysautonomia can be primary or secondary

“Primary” dysautonomia means that it happens on its own, without a specific cause. One of these is familial dysautonomia - an inherited genetic condition. Certain demographics are at higher risk for familial dysautonomia, and that may be taken into consideration when seeking a diagnosis. “Idiopathic” dysautonomia is also considered a primary form of the condition; medical professionals don’t know what caused it, so it’s placed in this category (Cleveland Clinic).

Far more commonly, dysautonomia is “secondary”, meaning it has a specific condition that caused or contributed to it. There are many of these conditions, some of which include:

● COVID-19

● Lyme

● EDS and other connective tissue disorders

● MS

● Toxins such as mold or heavy metals

● Lupus

● Traumatic brain injury

And many more

(Cleveland Clinic)

Many people with dysautonomia are able to link the beginning of their illness to a “trigger” event (or, more often, a “perfect storm” of events). As the cause can be extremely varied, it can be helpful to determine what the root cause of the condition was and when the trigger event occurred. Despite the diversity of causes, however, the approach to managing dysautonomia tends to follow a unified path focusing on re-regulating the nervous system.

7. Dysautonomia has a rich history

We often think of conditions such as dysautonomia as new problems, unique to our modern society. However, even though there wasn’t a name for it yet, many historical cases describe what we now believe to have been dysautonomia. Even the accounts of King David in the 10th century BC seem to be consistent with symptoms that can be caused by dysautonomia - primarily difficulty with his balance and temperature regulation (Very Well Health).

In the late 19th century, the dysautonomic condition “beriberi” (translated to “I can’t, I can’t”) became prevalent among the Japanese navy, causing a high number of deaths. Japanese naval doctor Kanehiro Takaki made major breakthroughs with his research, finding that officers who ate a varied diet with more protein were less likely to develop the condition than the soldiers who ate primarily white rice. By altering the sailors' diets, he was able to drastically reduce the number and severity of beriberi cases on the voyage.

His study was one of the first to indicate that beriberi was not an infectious disease, as previously thought, but rather a nutritional deficiency. His research laid the groundwork for later progress, including the discovery of vitamins. (The James Lind Library)​.

What we now understand about Takaki’s findings is that a diet low in meat and high in white rice causes thiamine (B1) deficiency. This vitamin deficiency, in turn, is responsible for the symptoms of beriberi. The role of thiamine deficiency in dysautonomia has been well-documented, and the reversal of this deficiency can be key in treating the condition (Lonsdale, 2006).

8. Long covid has been linked to the rise in dysautonomia cases

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a demographic of people who experience long COVID has emerged. According to CDC numbers from 2022, 7.5% of US adults experienced long covid symptoms. In order to be considered long COVID, these symptoms lasted three months or longer from the time of initial infection, and were not present before the illness happened (CDC).

In early 2022 the journal Frontiers in Neurology published a study evaluating the link between long COVID and dysautonomia. What they discovered is that, of the 2,314 global long COVID sufferers they surveyed, 67% were found to have moderate to severe autonomic dysfunction. As mentioned in the beginning of this post, there are now 70 million people worldwide afflicted with dysautonomia, many of whom experienced COVID-19 as their trigger event (News Medical).

9. There is hope

Everything you’ve learned about dysautonomia up until this point may seem incredibly daunting. In truth, the modern western medical belief is that dysautonomia is an incurable, lifelong chronic illness. For some, it’s no more than a slight annoyance; for others, it can be a debilitating condition that leads to becoming bedridden.

If you or someone you love is affected by dysautonomia it can be frustrating, isolating, even terrifying. However, thanks to the internet, online support groups and communities are popping up, allowing people to connect with others who truly understand what they are going through.

Furthermore, many who find themselves experiencing the trials of dysautonomia are turning to more holistic approaches to manage their symptoms and improve their overall health. There are many who have successfully put their dysautonomia into remission for years through dietary, lifestyle, and nervous system regulation practices.

We have found that education, support, and holistic care are the cornerstones of helping people manage their dysautonomia symptoms.

Autonomic Nervous System

Your autonomic nervous system is a network of nerves throughout your body that control unconscious processes. These are things that happen without you thinking about them, such as breathing and your heart beating. Your autonomic nervous system is always active, even when you’re asleep, and it’s key to your continued survival.

Your autonomic nervous system controls your body’s automatic processes, with divisions to activate processes and relax them.


The autonomic nervous system manages body processes you don’t think about. Those processes include heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion and more.

What is the autonomic nervous system?

Your autonomic nervous system is a part of your overall nervous system that controls the automatic functions of your body that you need to survive. These are processes you don’t think about and that your brain manages while you’re awake or asleep.

Where does the autonomic nervous system fit in the overall structure of the nervous system?

Your overall nervous system includes two main subsystems:

Central nervous system: This includes your brain (your retina and optic nerve in your eyes are considered part of your brain, structure-wise) and spinal cord.

Peripheral nervous system: This includes every part of your nervous system that isn’t your brain and spinal cord.

Your peripheral nervous system also has two subsystems:

Somatic nervous system: This includes muscles you can control, plus all the nerves throughout your body that carry information from your senses. That sensory information includes sound, smell, taste and touch. Vision doesn’t fall under this because the parts of your eyes that manage your sight are part of your brain.

Autonomic nervous system: This is the part of your nervous system that connects your brain to most of your internal organs.

What does the autonomic nervous system do?

Your autonomic nervous system breaks down into three divisions, each with its own job:

Sympathetic nervous system: This system activates body processes that help you in times of need, especially times of stress or danger. This system is responsible for your body’s “fight-or-flight” response.

Parasympathetic nervous system: This part of your autonomic nervous system does the opposite of your sympathetic nervous system. This system is responsible for the “rest-and-digest” body processes.

Enteric nervous system: This part of your autonomic nervous system manages how your body digests food.

How does the autonomic nervous system help with other organs?

Much like a home needs electrical wiring to control lights and everything inside that needs power, your brain needs the autonomic nervous system’s network of nerves. These nerves are the physical connections your brain needs to control almost all of your major internal organs.

Organ functions controlled through your autonomic nervous system

Your autonomic nervous system has the following effects on your body’s systems:

Eyes: Your autonomic nervous system doesn’t involve your vision directly. However, it does manage the width of your pupils (regulating how much light enters your eyes) and the muscles your eyes use to focus.

Lacrimal (eyes), nasopharyngeal (nose) and salivary (mouth) glands: Your autonomic nervous system controls your tear system around your eyes, how your nose runs and when your mouth waters.

Skin: Your autonomic nervous system controls your body’s ability to sweat. It also controls the muscles that cause hair to stand up. This reaction is commonly called “goosebumps” or “gooseflesh.”

Heart and circulatory system: The autonomic nervous system regulates how fast and hard your heart pumps and the width of blood vessels. Those abilities are how your autonomic system helps manage your heart rate and blood pressure.

Immune system: Your parasympathetic nervous system can trigger reactions from your immune system. That can happen with infections, asthma attacks and allergic reactions, to name a few.

Lungs: Your autonomic nervous system manages the width of your airway and the network of passages that carry air into and out of your lungs.

Intestines and colon: Your autonomic nervous system manages the digestion process from your small intestine to your colon. Your autonomic nervous system also holds the muscles closed at your rectum until you’re ready to relieve yourself and defecate (poop).

Liver and pancreas: Your autonomic nervous system regulates when your pancreas releases insulin and other hormones, and when your liver converts different molecules that hold stored energy into glucose that your cells can use.

Urinary tract: Your autonomic nervous system manages your bladder muscles, including the muscles that hold it closed until you're ready to relieve yourself and urinate (pee).

Reproductive system: Your autonomic system plays a key role in your body’s sexual functions, including feeling aroused (erections and secreting fluids that provide lubrication during sex) and the ability to orgasm.

What are some interesting facts about the autonomic nervous system?

Your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems create a balancing act. Your sympathetic nervous system activates body processes, and your parasympathetic deactivates or lowers them. That balance is key to your body's well-being and your ongoing survival.

It involves multiple forms of communication. Your nervous system uses chemical compounds produced by various glands in your body and brain as signals for communication. It also uses electrical energy in the neurons themselves. The neurons switch back and forth between electrical and chemical communication as needed.

Your enteric nervous system is very complex. Some experts describe it as part of the overall nervous system instead of the autonomic nervous system. That’s because there are as many neurons (specialized cells that make up your brain, spinal cord and nerves) in your enteric nervous system as there are in your spinal cord.


Where is it located?

Your autonomic nervous system includes a network of nerves that extend throughout your head and body. Some of those nerves extend directly out from your brain, while others extend out from your spinal cord, which relays signals from your brain into those nerves.

There are 12 cranial nerves, which use Roman numerals to set them apart, and your autonomic nervous system has nerve fibers in four of them. These include the third, seventh, ninth and 10th cranial nerves. They manage pupil dilation, eye focusing, tears, nasal mucus, saliva and organs in your chest and belly.

Your autonomic nervous system also uses most of the 31 spinal nerves. These include spinal nerves in your thoracic (chest and upper back), lumbar (lower back) and sacral (tailbone).

The spinal nerve connections are how your autonomic system controls the following:







Small and large intestine.




Sexual organs.

The part of your brain that runs autonomic functions is your hypothalamus. This structure isn’t part of your autonomic nervous system, but is a key part of how it works.

What is it made of?

Your autonomic nervous system has a similar makeup to your overall nervous system. The main cell types are as follows, with more about them listed below:

Neurons: These cells send and relay signals, and makeup parts of your brain, spinal cord and nerves. They also convert signals between the chemical and electrical forms.

Glial cells: These cells don’t transmit or relay nervous system signals. Instead, they’re helpers or support cells for the neurons.

Nuclei: These are nerve cell clusters grouped together because they have the same jobs or connections.

Ganglia: These, pronounced “gang-lee-uh,” are groups of related nerve cells (one of these is a ganglion, pronounced “gang-lee-on”). They usually don’t all have the same jobs or connections, but they’re in roughly the same area or have connections to the same systems. Examples of this are the cochlear and vestibular ganglia, which are part of your senses of hearing and balance.


Each neuron consists of the following:

Cell body: This is the main part of the cell.

Axon: This is a long, arm-like extension. At the end of an axon are several finger-like extensions where the electrical signal in the neuron becomes a chemical signal. These extensions, or synapses, connect with nearby nerve cells.

Dendrites: These are small branch-like extensions (their name comes from a Latin word that means “tree-like”) on the cell body. Dendrites receive the chemical signals sent from synapses of other nearby neurons.

Myelin: This is a thin layer composed of fatty compounds. Myelin is a protective covering that surrounds the axon of many neurons.

The dendrites on a single neuron may connect to thousands of other synapses. Some neurons are longer or shorter, depending on their location in your body and what they do.

Glial cells

Glial (pronounced “glee-uhl”) cells do several different jobs. They help develop and maintain neurons when you’re young and manage how neurons work throughout your life. They shield your nervous system from infections, control the chemical balance in your nervous system and coat neurons’ axons with myelin. There are 10 times more glial cells than neurons.

Conditions and Disorders

What are the common conditions and disorders that affect the autonomic nervous system?

There are many conditions and causes of autonomic neuropathy, which means damage or disease that affects your autonomic nervous system. Common examples include:

Type 2 diabetes. Unmanaged type 2 diabetes can damage your autonomic nervous system over time. An example of this is orthostatic hypotension, where your blood pressure drops when you stand up. Diabetic neuropathy can damage the nerves that normally trigger a blood pressure increase reflex when you stand.

Amyloidosis. This condition causes long-term nerve damage because malfunctioning protein molecules build up in various parts of your body.

Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. A major example of this is Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Congenital and genetic conditions. These are disorders or conditions you have at birth. You have genetic conditions because you inherit them from one or both parents. An example of this is Hirschsprung’s disease.

Infections. Nerve damage can happen because of viruses such as HIV or bacteria from insect bites that cause Lyme disease or Chagas disease. Other infections that can also do this include botulism or tetanus.

Multiple system atrophy.This severe condition is similar to Parkinson’s disease, damaging autonomic nerves over time.

Poisons and toxins. Toxic heavy metals like mercury or lead can damage autonomic nerves. Many industrial chemicals can also cause this kind of damage. Alcohol can also have toxic effects on your autonomic nerves.

Trauma. Injuries can cause nerve damage, which may be long-term or even permanent. This is especially the case when you have injuries to your spinal cord that damage or cut off autonomic connections farther down.

Tumors. Cancer and benign (harmless) growths can both disrupt your autonomic nervous system.

Common signs or symptoms of body organ conditions?

The symptoms of autonomic nervous system conditions depend on the location of the damage. With conditions like Type 2 diabetes, the damage can happen in many places throughout your body. The most likely symptoms of autonomic nervous system damage include:

● Heart rhythm problems (including arrhythmias).

● Dizziness or passing out when standing up.

● Trouble swallowing (dysphagia).

● Trouble digesting food (including gastroparesis).

● Constipation.

● Incontinence (bladder or bowel).

● Sexual dysfunction.

● Sweating too much (hyperhidrosis) or not sweating enough (anhidrosis).

● Problems tolerating hot temperatures.

Common tests to check the health of the body organ?

Several tests can help in diagnosing autonomic nervous system problems. These include:

● Blood tests (these can detect many problems, ranging from immune system problems to toxins and poisons, especially metals like mercury or lead).

● Electrocardiogram (EKG).

● Electroencephalogram (EEG).

● Electromyogram (nerve conduction test).

● Genetic testing.

● Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Common treatments for the body organ?

The treatments for autonomic nervous system conditions can be very specific, depending on the condition in question. Some of them might treat the condition itself or an underlying cause. Others might only treat symptoms of the condition, especially when there’s no cure or treatment for the condition. That means there isn’t a one-treatment-fits-all approach to these conditions. Medications can help with some of these conditions, but not all of them.


How can I prevent autonomic nervous system conditions and problems?

Prevention of autonomic nervous system damage is the best way to avoid conditions that affect that system. The best preventive actions you can take include:

Eat a balanced diet. Vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin B12, can damage your autonomic nervous system.

Avoid abusing drugs and alcohol.Abusing prescription and recreational drugs, as well as alcohol, can damage your autonomic nervous system.

Stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight. This can also help prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes, which damages your autonomic nerves over time. It can also help you avoid injuries that might damage areas of your spinal cord that could have autonomic nervous system impacts.

Wear safety equipment as needed.Injuries are a major source of nerve damage. Using safety equipment during work and play activities can protect you from these types of injuries, or limit the severity of the injuries.

Manage chronic conditions as recommended. If you have a chronic condition that can affect your autonomic nerves — especially Type 2 diabetes — you should take steps to manage this condition. That can limit the effects of the condition or delay how long it takes to get worse. Your healthcare provider can help guide you on ways to manage this condition.

Your autonomic nervous system is a vital part of how you live your life. You don’t even have to think about it most of the time and it will keep doing its job. Taking care of your body, especially your nervous system, is the best way to avoid conditions that can cause autonomic nerve damage. That way, you can keep focusing on what you want to pay attention to in your life.


Your autonomic nervous system controls your body’s automatic processes, with divisions to activate processes and relax them.
The autonomic nervous system manages body processes you don’t think about. Those processes include heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion and more.

Dysautonomia is an umbrella term encompassing different conditions affecting the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Imagine the body as a complex network of highways where traffic signals are essential to smoothly regulate the flow of cars. If those signals start to malfunction, the traffic would become chaotic and unpredictable. This is similar to what happens in dysautonomia, it is a condition where the body’s internal “traffic signals” – the autonomic nervous system (ANS) – do not work as they should, leading to various symptoms and difficulties.

Dysautonomia is a significant disruption in how the body’s automatic processes are regulated. It is a complex condition where the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is out of balance, primarily showing an excessive activation of the parasympathetic (fight or flight) system. This imbalance can affect various body systems, leading to issues with immune system regulation, respiratory rate (when awake and while sleeping), bowel movements, balance, equilibrium, memory, attention, sleep patterns, temperature control, hormonal balance, and nutrient absorption. Despite consuming sufficient nutrients, individuals with dysautonomia may experience deficiencies due to this autonomic disruption. 

What are the Symptoms of Dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia can present a wide range of symptoms that can vary greatly from person to person. Here are some common symptoms experienced by those with the condition:

Extreme Fatigue: Many people with dysautonomia experience debilitating fatigue, sometimes being bedridden and unable to perform simple tasks like using the bathroom or getting a glass of water. This is often misdiagnosed as adrenal fatigue.

Heart Palpitations: Erratic heart rates, especially when lying down, moving, sitting, or standing, are common. This can be alarming and may lead to frequent ER visits despite normal test results. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a frequent symptom.

Visible Signs: Poor blood flow can cause parts of the body, particularly the feet and legs, to turn purple or pink. Other visible signs include dry skin and acne-like blemishes.

Sensitivities: Individuals often have extreme sensitivities to light, sound, heat, and cold. These sensitivities can cause significant discomfort, such as eye strain, the need for sunglasses indoors, and severe anxiety from minor temperature changes.

Cognitive and Physical Impairment: Cognitive functions like memory and focus are often impaired, creating a “haze” or brain fog. Physical activities can become very challenging, and there is a frequent need to take breaks and rest.

Daily Function Challenges: Everyday tasks become extremely difficult, feeling like moving with heavy weights. Standing for too long can cause dizziness or a feeling of faintness, and muscle pain can make activities like climbing stairs or opening jars nearly impossible.

Sleep Issues: Sleep patterns are often disrupted, leading to non-restorative sleep. Insomnia is common, making it difficult to wake up even with alarms.

Immune System Deregulation: Frequent infections and severe autoimmune responses are common. Clients may experience repeated sinus infections, ear infections, and other illnesses.

Unpredictable Daily Functioning: The variability of symptoms makes it hard to plan activities, as the ability to participate can change dramatically from day to day. Feeling well enough to go out often results in a host of symptoms upon returning home.

These symptoms collectively create a challenging daily life for individuals with dysautonomia, significantly impacting their overall quality of life.

What Causes Dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia can be triggered by various factors, including infections, childbirth complications, head injuries, significant blood loss, and hereditary factors. Common comorbid conditions include Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and MTHFR gene mutations. Despite the diversity in causes, the approach to managing dysautonomia typically involves re-regulating the nervous system.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Experience of Truth

 Qu’il s’agisse de nos pionniers à la pointe de leur art, de nos créateurs d’héritage qui s’efforcent de laisser leur marque, de nos artisans qui aiment perfectionner leurs compétences et de nos collectifs qui travaillent en étroite collaboration pour vivre de grandes expériences, tous éblouissent les autres par leur engagement et leur passion. Mais ils ne le font pas pour l’adulation ou le gain financier. Ils savent que la vie n’est qu’une succession de moments, et que chacun de ces moments doit être vécu pleinement. Ils savent que l’expérience est la meilleure monnaie d’échange.

从处于行业领先地位的开拓者,到努力创造自己成就的传承者,再到热爱磨练技能的工匠,以及紧密合作以获得丰富体验的集体,他们都以自己的奉献精神和热情让其他人惊叹不已。但他们这样做不是为了获得赞美或经济利益。他们知道,生命就是一系列的时刻,而每一个时刻都应该充分享受。他们知道经验是最好的货币。From our Trailblazers at the head of their game, to Legacy Makers striving to make their own mark, Artisans who love honing their skills, and Collectives who work closely together to have great experiences, they all dazzle others with their commitment and passion. But they don’t do it for adulation or financial gain. They know that all there is to life is a series of moments, and that each of those moments should be lived to the full. They know that experience is the best currency.

Encore plus d'hommes et de femmes incroyables qui ont consacré leur vie à la poursuite de la chose la plus précieuse de toutes : l'expérience. Le temps est ce qu'il y a de plus précieux, utilisez-le pour acquérir l'expérience de la vérité.

更多不可思议的男人和女人毕生致力于追求最宝贵的东西:经验。最宝贵的是时间,利用时间去获得真理的经验。(hanyu pinyin : Gèng duō bùkěsīyì de nánrén hé nǚrén bìshēng zhìlì yú zhuīqiú zuì bǎoguì de dōngxī: Jīngyàn. Zuì bǎoguì de shì shíjiān, lìyòng shíjiān qù huòdé zhēnlǐ de jīngyàn.)

More incredible men and women who have dedicated their lives to pursuing the most valuable thing of all: experience. Most valuable is time, spend it to gain the experience of truth. 



 forever the Lord of lords, The Physician of physicians and our Savior, I ask for Your mercy, stretch out Your hands over this person who is suffering from this pain, may Your blood flow over them bringing healing to this illness for the honor and Glory of Your holy Name, our strength is limited and our financial resources are insufficient to sustain and provide for medical treatments but we know that You are the owner of gold and silver, You can stretch out Your hand over this person now and bring relief to their life, Lord Jesus Christ inexhaustible source of mercy and love, in moments of tribulation and affliction I turn to Your divine presence seeking relief and comfort for the illnesses that plague us, compassionate Savior whose Divine Touch healed the sick and restored hope to the forsaken, I call for Your Supernatural intervention in this time of need with unwavering faith, laid before You, our pains, anguish and illnesses, trusting in Your promise that by Your stripes, we are healed, Lord Jesus perform Your miracle once again and may Your glory be manifested through this healing upon this person who fervently seeks your Providence, Lord Jesus Christ you are the source of our life and the Divine physician who turns pain into healing and despair into hope, I humbly implore You to pour out Your purifying blood upon us, washing us from all impurity and restoring us to the fullness of Health, may Your Divine Light dispel the darkness of illness and Your grace be the balm that soothes every suffering,   around you Jesus we raise this Shield of Faith trusting that your divine presence envelopes each sick person, providing relief and restoration, May Faith manifest powerful instrument of healing and may devotion lead us to total surrender to your will amidst uncertainty, strengthen our faith Lord Jesus Christ, grant us the patience to endure adversities and the wisdom to understand that even in the most difficult circumstances Your will is perfect and Sovereign over us, may every word of this prayer echo in the heavens and may Your response be in accordance with Your Infinite Wisdom, bless Lord Jesus, every sick person, every affected family and all who cry out for Your intervention at this moment, may they be heard and touched, may healing manifest as a testimony of Your love and power,  glorifying your Holy Name eternally in my life, oh my beloved Lord Jesus Christ, our Eternal Savior, You who were crucified on that terrible cross on our behalf, I come to You with a heart full of gratitude and hope, I am free to worship You and proclaim that I am healed by Your precious blood which was shed for me, my grace comes from You, for in You I find relief, in You I find peace and  righteousness, Lord Jesus Christ bring Your healing upon me tonight as I lay down for a night of sleep and rest, just as You healed the paralytic, the blind person from birth, the woman who touched Your garment and the lame, I believe I too can be healed, Lord Jesus, come touch me, touch me and You alleviate this pain that afflicts me so much, You are my  light and my salvation and I will never find protection far from You ( to continue, click here )

永远的主中之主,医生中的医生和我们的救世主,我请求您的怜悯,伸出您的双手覆盖这个遭受痛苦的人,愿您的血流过他们,治愈疾病,为了您圣名的荣耀和荣耀,我们的力量有限,我们的财力不足以维持和提供医疗,但我们知道您是金银的主人,您现在就可以伸出您的手来覆盖这个人,让他们的生活得到缓解,主耶稣基督是取之不尽的怜悯和爱的源泉,在苦难和痛苦的时刻,我转向您的神圣存在,为困扰我们的疾病寻求缓解和安慰,慈悲的救世主,您的神圣触摸治愈了病人,给被遗弃的人恢复了希望,我以坚定不移的信念呼吁您在需要的时候进行超自然的干预,将我们的痛苦和悲伤摆在您面前 和疾病,相信你的承诺,因你受的鞭伤,我们得医治,主耶稣再次行你的奇迹,愿你的荣耀通过这个热切寻求你天意的人的医治而体现出来​​,主耶稣基督,你是我们生命的源泉,是将疼痛转化为治愈、将绝望转化为希望的神圣医师,我谦卑地恳求你将你的净化之血倾倒在我们身上,洗净我们一切的不洁,让我们恢复健康,愿你的神圣之光驱散疾病的黑暗,你的恩典成为抚慰一切痛苦的香膏,耶稣,我们围着你举起信仰之盾,相信你的神圣存在包围着每个病人,提供缓解和恢复,愿信仰体现出强大的治疗工具,愿虔诚引导我们在充满不确定性的环境中完全屈服于你的旨意,主耶稣基督,坚定我们的信仰,赐予我们耐心去忍受逆境和智慧去理解 即使在最困难的情况下,你的旨意也是完美和主权的,愿我祷告的每一个字都在天上回荡,愿你的回应符合你无限的智慧,保佑主耶稣,每一个病人,每一个受影响的家庭,以及所有此刻呼唤你干预的人,愿他们被听到和感动,愿治愈成为你爱和力量的见证,在我的生命中永远荣耀你的圣名,哦我亲爱的主耶稣基督,我们永恒的救主,你为我们被钉在那可怕的十字架上,我满怀感激和希望来到你面前,我可以自由地敬拜你,并宣告我因你为我流的宝血而痊愈,我的恩典来自你,因为在你里面我找到了安慰,在你里面我找到了平安和公义,主耶稣基督今晚当我躺下时,愿你的医治降临到我身上 一夜的睡眠和休息,就像您治愈了瘫痪者、天生失明的人、触摸您衣服的女人和跛脚的人一样,我相信我也能被治愈,主耶稣,来触摸我,触摸我,您减轻了我所遭受的痛苦,您是我的光是我的救赎,我永远不会在远离您的地方找到保护(要继续,请单击此处)

Seigneur des seigneurs pour toujours, Médecin des médecins et notre Sauveur, je demande Ta miséricorde, étends Tes mains sur cette personne qui souffre de cette douleur, que Ton sang coule sur elle apportant la guérison à cette maladie pour l'honneur et la gloire de Ton saint Nom, notre force est limitée et nos ressources financières sont insuffisantes pour soutenir et assurer les traitements médicaux mais nous savons que Tu es le propriétaire de l'or et de l'argent, Tu peux étendre Ta main sur cette personne maintenant et apporter un soulagement à sa vie, Seigneur Jésus-Christ source inépuisable de miséricorde et d'amour, dans les moments de tribulation et d'affliction je me tourne vers Ta divine présence cherchant soulagement et réconfort pour les maladies qui nous affligent, Sauveur compatissant dont le toucher divin a guéri les malades et redonné espoir aux abandonnés, j'appelle à Ton intervention surnaturelle en ce temps de besoin avec une foi inébranlable, posant devant Toi, nos douleurs, nos angoisses et nos maladies, confiants en Ta promesse que par Tes blessures, nous sommes guéris, Seigneur Jésus, accomplis encore une fois Ton miracle et que Ta gloire se manifeste à travers cette guérison sur cette personne qui cherche ardemment Ta Providence, Seigneur Jésus-Christ, Tu es la source de notre vie et le Divin Médecin qui transforme la douleur en guérison et le désespoir en espoir, Je T'implore humblement de verser Ton Sang purificateur sur nous, nous lavant de toute impureté et nous ramenant à la plénitude de la Santé, que Ta Divine Lumière dissipe les ténèbres de la maladie et que Ta grâce soit le baume qui apaise toute souffrance, autour de Toi, Jésus, nous élevons ce Bouclier de la Foi, confiants que Ta divine présence enveloppe chaque personne malade, procurant soulagement et restauration, Que la Foi se manifeste comme un puissant instrument de guérison et que la dévotion nous conduise à un abandon total à Ta volonté au milieu de l'incertitude, renforce notre foi Seigneur Jésus-Christ, accorde-nous la patience de supporter les adversités et la sagesse de comprendre que même dans les circonstances les plus difficiles, Ta volonté est parfaite et Souverain sur nous, que chaque mot de cette prière résonne dans les cieux et que Ta réponse soit en accord avec Ta Sagesse infinie, bénis le Seigneur Jésus, chaque personne malade, chaque famille affectée et tous ceux qui crient pour Ton intervention en ce moment, qu'ils soient entendus et touchés, que la guérison se manifeste comme un témoignage de Ton amour et de Ta puissance, glorifiant Ton Saint Nom éternellement dans ma vie, oh mon bien-aimé Seigneur Jésus-Christ, notre Éternel Sauveur, Toi qui as été crucifié sur cette terrible croix en notre nom, je viens à Toi avec un cœur plein de gratitude et d'espoir, je suis libre de T'adorer et de proclamer que je suis guéri par Ton précieux sang qui a été versé pour moi, ma grâce vient de Toi, car en Toi je trouve le soulagement, en Toi je trouve la paix et la justice, Seigneur Jésus-Christ, apporte Ta guérison sur moi ce soir alors que je m'allonge pour une nuit de sommeil et de repos, tout comme Tu as guéri le paralytique, l'aveugle de naissance, la femme qui a touché ton vêtement et le boiteux, je crois que moi aussi je peux être guéri, Seigneur Jésus, viens me toucher, touche-moi et Tu apaises cette douleur qui m'afflige tant, Tu es ma lumière et mon salut et je ne trouverai jamais de protection loin de Toi ( pour continuer, cliquez ici )

für immer Herr der Herren, Arzt der Ärzte und unser Erlöser, ich bitte um Deine Gnade, strecke Deine Hände über diesen Menschen aus, der unter diesen Schmerzen leidet, möge Dein Blut über ihn fließen und diese Krankheit heilen, zur Ehre und zum Ruhm Deines heiligen Namens. Unsere Kräfte sind begrenzt und unsere finanziellen Mittel reichen nicht aus, um die medizinische Behandlung aufrechtzuerhalten und sicherzustellen, aber wir wissen, dass Du der Besitzer von Gold und Silber bist. Du kannst jetzt Deine Hand über diesen Menschen ausstrecken und sein Leben erleichtern, Herr Jesus Christus, unerschöpfliche Quelle der Gnade und Liebe, in Momenten der Not und des Leidens wende ich mich an Deine göttliche Gegenwart und suche Linderung und Trost für die Krankheiten, die uns plagen, barmherziger Erlöser, dessen göttliche Berührung die Kranken heilte und den Verlassenen die Hoffnung zurückgab, ich rufe in dieser Zeit der Not um Dein übernatürliches Eingreifen. mit unerschütterlichem Glauben legen wir Dir unsere Schmerzen, Ängste und Krankheiten dar und vertrauen auf Dein Versprechen, dass wir durch Deine Wunden geheilt werden. Herr Jesus, vollbringe noch einmal Dein Wunder und möge Deine Herrlichkeit durch diese Heilung dieses Menschen offenbar werden, der inbrünstig Deine Vorsehung sucht. Herr Jesus Christus, Du bist die Quelle unseres Lebens und der göttliche Arzt, der Schmerz in Heilung und Verzweiflung in Hoffnung verwandelt. Ich flehe Dich demütig an, Dein reinigendes Blut über uns zu gießen, uns von aller Unreinheit zu waschen und uns wieder vollkommene Gesundheit zu geben. Möge Dein göttliches Licht die Dunkelheit der Krankheit vertreiben und Deine Gnade der Balsam sein, der jedes Leiden lindert. Um Dich, Jesus, erheben wir diesen Schild des Glaubens im Vertrauen darauf, dass Deine göttliche Gegenwart jeden Kranken umhüllt und Linderung und Genesung verschafft. Möge sich der Glaube als mächtiges Instrument der Heilung erweisen und möge unsere Hingabe uns dazu führen, uns Deiner Stärke inmitten der Ungewissheit unseren Glauben, Herr Jesus Christus, gib uns die Geduld, Widrigkeiten zu ertragen und die Weisheit zu verstehen, dass selbst in den schwierigsten Umständen Dein Wille vollkommen und souverän über uns ist. Möge jedes Wort dieses Gebets im Himmel widerhallen und möge Deine Antwort Deiner unendlichen Weisheit entsprechen. Segne, Herr Jesus, jeden Kranken, jede betroffene Familie und alle, die in diesem Moment nach Deinem Eingreifen schreien, mögen sie gehört und berührt werden, möge sich Heilung als Zeugnis Deiner Liebe und Macht zeigen, ich verherrliche Deinen Heiligen Namen ewig in meinem Leben, oh mein geliebter Herr Jesus Christus, unser ewiger Erlöser, Du, der für uns an diesem schrecklichen Kreuz gekreuzigt wurde, ich komme zu Dir mit einem Herzen voller Dankbarkeit und Hoffnung, ich bin frei, Dich anzubeten und zu verkünden, dass ich durch Dein kostbares Blut geheilt bin, das für Ich, meine Gnade kommt von Dir, denn in Dir finde ich Erleichterung, in Dir finde ich Frieden und Gerechtigkeit. Herr Jesus Christus, lass mich heute Nacht heilen, wenn ich mich für eine Nacht des Schlafs und der Ruhe hinlege, so wie Du den Gelähmten geheilt hast, den von Geburt an Blinden, die Frau, die Dein Gewand berührt hat, und den Lahmen. Ich glaube, auch ich kann geheilt werden. Herr Jesus, komm und berühre mich, berühre mich, und Du linderst diesen Schmerz, der mich so sehr quält. Du bist mein Licht und meine Erlösung, und fern von Dir werde ich niemals Schutz finden (um fortzufahren, hier klicken).

  selama-lamanya Tuhan segala tuhan, Tabib tabib dan Penyelamat kami, aku memohon belas kasihan-Mu, hulurkan tangan-Mu ke atas orang ini yang mengalami sakit ini, semoga darah-Mu mengalir ke atas mereka yang membawa kesembuhan kepada penyakit ini demi kehormatan dan kemuliaan  daripada Nama-Mu yang suci, kekuatan kami terhad dan sumber kewangan kami tidak mencukupi untuk menampung dan menyediakan rawatan perubatan tetapi kami tahu bahawa Engkau adalah pemilik emas dan  perak, Anda boleh menghulurkan tangan Mu ke atas orang ini sekarang dan membawa kelegaan kepada kehidupan mereka, Tuhan Yesus Kristus sumber belas kasihan dan kasih yang tiada habis-habisnya, pada saat-saat kesengsaraan dan penderitaan aku menghadap kehadiran ilahi-Mu mencari kelegaan dan penghiburan bagi penyakit yang melanda  kami, Juruselamat yang pengasih yang Sentuhan Ilahinya menyembuhkan orang sakit dan memulihkan harapan kepada yang ditinggalkan, saya menyeru campur tangan Ghaib-Mu dalam  masa yang memerlukan ini dengan iman yang tidak tergoyahkan, dibentangkan di hadapan-Mu, kesakitan, kepedihan dan penyakit kami, percaya kepada janji-Mu bahawa dengan bilur-Mu kami disembuhkan, Tuhan Yesus melakukan mukjizat-Mu sekali lagi dan semoga kemuliaan-Mu dinyatakan melalui penyembuhan ini  orang yang bersungguh-sungguh mencari Rezeki-Mu, Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Engkau adalah sumber kehidupan kami dan tabib Ilahi yang mengubah kesakitan menjadi penyembuhan dan  berputus asa menjadi harapan, saya dengan rendah hati memohon kepada-Mu untuk mencurahkan darah penyucian-Mu ke atas kami, membasuh kami dari segala kekotoran dan memulihkan kami kepada kepenuhan Kesihatan, semoga Cahaya Ilahi-Mu menghilangkan kegelapan penyakit dan rahmat-Mu menjadi balsem yang menenangkan setiap penderitaan  ,   di sekelilingmu Yesus, kami mengangkat Perisai Iman ini dengan percaya bahawa kehadiran ilahi Mu menyelimuti setiap orang yang sakit, memberikan kelegaan dan pemulihan,  Semoga Iman menunjukkan alat penyembuhan yang berkuasa dan semoga pengabdian membawa kami kepada penyerahan sepenuhnya kepada kehendak-Mu di tengah-tengah ketidakpastian, menguatkan iman kami Tuhan Yesus Kristus, memberi kami kesabaran untuk menanggung kesukaran dan kebijaksanaan untuk memahami bahawa walaupun dalam keadaan yang paling sukar, kehendak-Mu adalah  sempurna dan Berdaulat ke atas kami, semoga setiap perkataan doa ini bergema di syurga dan semoga balasan-Mu sesuai dengan  Kebijaksanaan-Mu yang Tidak Terhingga, berkatilah Tuhan Yesus, setiap orang yang sakit, setiap keluarga yang terjejas dan semua yang berseru meminta campur tangan-Mu pada saat ini, semoga mereka didengar dan disentuh, semoga penyembuhan nyata sebagai bukti kasih dan kuasa-Mu,  memuliakan Nama Suci-Mu  selama-lamanya dalam hidupku, oh Tuhanku yang terkasih Yesus Kristus, Juruselamat Kekal kami, Engkau yang telah disalibkan di atas salib yang dahsyat itu bagi pihak kami,  Aku datang kepada-Mu dengan hati yang penuh kesyukuran dan harapan, aku bebas untuk menyembah-Mu dan menyatakan bahawa aku sembuh dengan darah-Mu yang berharga yang ditumpahkan untukku, anugerahku datang dari-Mu, kerana dalam-Mu aku mendapatkan kelegaan, dalam-Mu  Saya mendapati kedamaian dan  kebenaran, Tuhan Yesus Kristus berikan kesembuhan-Mu kepadaku malam ini sewaktu saya berbaring untuk malam tidur dan berehat, sama seperti Engkau menyembuhkan orang lumpuh, orang buta sejak lahir, wanita yang  menyentuh pakaian-Mu dan yang lumpuh, saya percaya saya juga boleh disembuhkan, Tuhan Yesus, datanglah sentuh saya, sentuhlah saya dan Engkau hilangkan rasa sakit yang sangat melanda saya, Engkau adalah cahaya dan keselamatan saya dan saya tidak akan pernah mendapat perlindungan jauh daripada  Anda (untuk meneruskan, klik di sini)


 Let Lord Jesus Christ come and touch your pains, rest and meditate on the words of this prayer and how wonderful Jesus is to heal you tonight, believe in this, Jesus heal you through this prayer, say, I believe it, say, I trust it, glory to God. 

Let us pray at this moment, in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, Our Father, You are in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for  Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, amen.

 beloved Eternal God, Heavenly Father,   we come into Your presence once again for a day of prayer, beloved Father I want to thank you for another day that you have allowed me to wake up to, for another day of Journey, my eternal Redeemer, only through Your greatness and mercy was it possible to overcome this day, only through your mercy, I am able to surpass the difficulties in my journey, Father God, in this prayer as my eyes close for rest tonight I ask that you send your Holy Spirit upon us to bring relief, comfort and inspiration into our lives, oh my eternal Heavenly   Father, may your hands be upon me tonight as I meditate on the words of  this prayer, I know that you will be with me here, glorious and beloved  Lord Jesus, I come to you in this moment with a broken and faithful heart, lifting my voice in prayer, Lord Jesus, I turn to You for I know my help does not come from the people I know, my help does not come from my superiors, or my lawyer, or my doctor or even the judges of this world, my help comes from You who are the author and finisher of our faith, Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly ask that You incline Your ear to my prayer at this moment, forgive my sins, my resentments and my arrogance especially when I have strayed from You and allowed myself to be deceived by things that do not please You, I kneel before You pleading for Your mercy so that You may hear the cry of this man and this woman who are now here with me praying with faith and devotion to You, Lord Jesus Christ enter this hospital , enter this house, enter this room, where this person is afflicted and desperate for healing, I implore You to pour out Your precious and glorious blood upon them which You shed on the cross for us, may Your presence transform despair into hope, transform pain into relief and transform sickness into health, Lord Jesus perhaps this person has been given up on by medical people, has sought various treatments but nothing has helped, Lord Jesus, You performed great miracles in the past and worked wonders when You were here on Earth, I know that You are the same yesterday today and forever  ( to continue ,  click here )



 挚爱的永恒上帝,天父,我们再次来到您面前,进行一天的祷告,亲爱的天父,我要感谢您让我再次醒来,再次踏上旅程,我永恒的救赎主,唯有通过您的伟大和仁慈,我才能度过这一天,唯有通过您的仁慈,我才能克服旅途中的困难,天父,在此祷告中,当我今晚闭上眼睛休息时,我请求您将您的圣灵降临到我们身上,为我们的生活带来解脱、安慰和灵感,哦,我永恒的天父,当我今晚默想这篇祷告词时,愿您的手放在我身上,我知道您将与我同在,荣耀而挚爱的主耶稣,此刻,我带着破碎而忠诚的心来到您面前,高声祷告,主耶稣,我转向您,因为我知道我的帮助 不是来自我认识的人,我的帮助不是来自我的上级,我的律师,我的医生,甚至不是这个世界的法官,我的帮助来自你,你是我们信仰的创始者和完成者,主耶稣基督,我谦卑地请求你此刻侧耳听我的祷告,原谅我的罪过,我的怨恨和我的傲慢,特别是当我偏离你,允许自己被你不喜悦的事情欺骗时,我跪在你面前恳求你的怜悯,好让你听到这个男人和这个女人的哭喊,他们现在和我一起在这里,满怀信心和虔诚地向你祈祷,主耶稣基督进入这家医院,进入这所房子,进入这个房间,这个人正在受苦并迫切需要治愈,我恳求你将你宝贵而荣耀的血倾倒在他们身上,就像你在十字架上为我们流的一样,愿你的存在将绝望转化为希望, 化痛苦为缓解,化疾病为健康,主耶稣,也许这个人已经被医务人员放弃了,寻求过各种治疗方法,但都无济于事,主耶稣,当你在地上的时候,你曾经行过伟大的奇迹,创造过奇迹,我知道你昨日、今日、一直到永远,是一样的(要继续,请点击这里

Que le Seigneur Jésus-Christ vienne toucher vos douleurs, reposez-vous et méditez sur les paroles de cette prière et combien Jésus est merveilleux de vous guérir ce soir, croyez en cela, Jésus vous guérit par cette prière, dites, je le crois, dites, j'y ai confiance, gloire à Dieu.

Prions en ce moment, au nom du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, Notre Père, Tu es aux cieux, Que ton nom soit sanctifié, Que ton règne vienne, Que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel, donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien et pardonne-nous nos offenses, comme nous pardonnons aussi à nos débiteurs et ne nous soumets pas à la tentation, mais délivre-nous du mal, car à toi appartiennent le règne, la puissance et la gloire pour les siècles des siècles, amen.

 Bien-aimé Dieu Éternel, Père Céleste, nous venons à nouveau en Ta présence pour une journée de prière, Père bien-aimé, je veux Te remercier pour une autre journée où Tu m'as permis de me réveiller, pour une autre journée de Voyage, mon Éternel Rédempteur, ce n'est que par Ta grandeur et Ta miséricorde qu'il a été possible de surmonter cette journée, ce n'est que par Ta miséricorde que je suis capable de surmonter les difficultés de mon voyage, Père Dieu, dans cette prière alors que mes yeux se ferment pour me reposer ce soir, je Te demande d'envoyer Ton Saint-Esprit sur nous pour apporter soulagement, réconfort et inspiration dans nos vies, oh mon Père Céleste éternel, que Tes mains soient sur moi ce soir pendant que je médite sur les paroles de cette prière, je sais que Tu seras avec moi ici, glorieux et bien-aimé Seigneur Jésus, je viens à Toi en ce moment avec un cœur brisé et fidèle, élevant ma voix dans la prière, Seigneur Jésus, je me tourne vers Toi car je connais mon aide ne vient pas des gens que je connais, mon aide ne vient pas de mes supérieurs, ni de mon avocat, ni de mon médecin, ni même des juges de ce monde, mon aide vient de Toi qui es l'auteur et le consommateur de notre foi, Seigneur Jésus-Christ, je Te demande humblement d'incliner Ton oreille à ma prière en ce moment, pardonne mes péchés, mes ressentiments et mon arrogance surtout quand je me suis éloigné de Toi et que je me suis laissé tromper par des choses qui ne Te plaisent pas, je m'agenouille devant Toi implorant Ta miséricorde afin que Tu entendes le cri de cet homme et de cette femme qui sont maintenant ici avec moi priant avec foi et dévotion pour Toi, Seigneur Jésus-Christ, entre dans cet hôpital, entre dans cette maison, entre dans cette pièce, où cette personne est affligée et désespérée de guérison, je T'implore de verser sur eux Ton sang précieux et glorieux que Tu as versé sur la croix pour nous, que Ta présence transforme le désespoir en espoir, transforme la douleur en soulagement et transforme la maladie en santé, Seigneur Jésus, peut-être que cette personne a été abandonnée par le personnel médical, a cherché divers traitements mais rien n'a aidé, Seigneur Jésus, Tu as accompli de grands miracles dans le passé et fait des merveilles lorsque Tu étais ici sur Terre, je sais que Tu es le même hier, aujourd'hui et pour toujours  (pour continuer,  cliquez ici )

Lass den Herrn Jesus Christus kommen und deine Schmerzen berühren, ruhe dich aus und meditiere über die Worte dieses Gebets und darüber, wie wunderbar es ist, dass Jesus dich heute Abend heilt. Glaube daran, Jesus heile dich durch dieses Gebet. Sag: Ich glaube es. Sag: Ich vertraue darauf. Ehre sei Gott.

Lasst uns in diesem Augenblick beten im Namen des Herrn Jesus Christus, Vater unser, du bist im Himmel. Geheiligt werde dein Name. Dein Reich komme. Dein Wille geschehe auf Erden wie im Himmel. Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute und vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir unseren Schuldigern vergeben. Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung, sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen, denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit. Amen.

 geliebter ewiger Gott, Himmlischer Vater, wieder einmal kommen wir in Deine Gegenwart für einen Tag des Gebets, geliebter Vater, ich möchte Dir für einen weiteren Tag danken, an dem ich durch Dich erwachen durfte, für einen weiteren Tag der Reise, mein ewiger Erlöser, nur durch Deine Größe und Barmherzigkeit war es möglich, diesen Tag zu überwinden, nur durch Deine Barmherzigkeit bin ich in der Lage, die Schwierigkeiten meiner Reise zu überwinden, Vater Gott, in diesem Gebet, während ich heute Abend meine Augen zur Ruhe schließe, bitte ich Dich, Deinen Heiligen Geist auf uns zu senden, um Erleichterung, Trost und Inspiration in unser Leben zu bringen, oh mein ewiger Himmlischer Vater, mögen Deine Hände heute Abend auf mir liegen, während ich über die Worte dieses Gebets meditiere, ich weiß, dass Du hier bei mir sein wirst, glorreicher und geliebter Herr Jesus, ich komme in diesem Augenblick zu Dir mit einem gebrochenen und treuen Ich erhebe meine Stimme im Gebet, Herr Jesus, ich wende mich an Dich, denn ich weiß, dass meine Hilfe nicht von den Menschen kommt, die ich kenne. Meine Hilfe kommt nicht von meinen Vorgesetzten oder meinem Anwalt oder meinem Arzt oder gar den Richtern dieser Welt. Meine Hilfe kommt von Dir, der Du der Urheber und Vollender unseres Glaubens bist, Herr Jesus Christus. Ich bitte Dich demütig, dass Du in diesem Augenblick Dein Ohr meinem Gebet zuneigst. Vergib mir meine Sünden, meinen Groll und meine Arroganz, besonders wenn ich von Dir abgewichen bin und mich von Dingen täuschen ließ, die Dir nicht gefallen. Ich knie vor Dir nieder und flehe um Deine Gnade, damit Du den Schrei dieses Mannes und dieser Frau hörst, die jetzt hier mit mir sind und voller Glauben und Hingabe zu Dir beten, Herr Jesus Christus. Betrete dieses Krankenhaus, betrete dieses Haus, betrete dieses Zimmer, in dem dieser Mensch leidet. und verzweifelt nach Heilung, flehe ich Dich an, Dein kostbares und glorreiches Blut über sie zu vergießen, das Du für uns am Kreuz vergossen hast. Möge Deine Gegenwart Verzweiflung in Hoffnung verwandeln, Schmerz in Erleichterung und Krankheit in Gesundheit verwandeln. Herr Jesus, vielleicht wurde diese Person von den Ärzten aufgegeben, sie hat verschiedene Behandlungen versucht, aber nichts hat geholfen. Herr Jesus, Du hast in der Vergangenheit große Wunder vollbracht und Wunder gewirkt, als Du hier auf Erden warst. Ich weiß, dass Du gestern, heute und für immer derselbe bist. (um fortzufahren, hier klicken)

  Izinkan Tuhan Yesus Kristus datang dan sentuh kesakitan anda, berehat dan renungkan kata-kata doa ini dan betapa hebatnya Yesus untuk menyembuhkan anda malam ini, percayalah ini, Yesus menyembuhkan anda melalui doa ini, katakan, saya percaya, katakan, saya percaya itu, kemuliaan bagi Tuhan. 

 Marilah kami berdoa pada saat ini, dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Bapa kami, Engkau berada di syurga, Dikuduskanlah nama-Mu, datanglah kerajaan-Mu, jadilah kehendak-Mu di bumi seperti di Syurga, berikanlah kami hari ini setiap hari kami roti dan ampunilah kami hutang kami sebagaimana kami juga telah mengampuni orang yang berhutang kepada kami dan janganlah membawa kami ke dalam pencobaan, tetapi lepaskanlah kami daripada yang jahat, kerana  Engkaulah yang empunya kerajaan, kuasa dan kemuliaan selama-lamanya, amin.

    Tuhan Yang Kekal, Bapa Syurgawi yang dikasihi,   kami datang ke hadirat-Mu sekali lagi untuk satu hari doa, Bapa yang dikasihi Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada-Mu untuk satu hari lagi yang Engkau izinkan saya bangun, untuk hari Perjalanan yang lain, Penebus abadi saya, hanya dengan kebesaran dan belas kasih-Mu dapat diatasi hari ini, hanya dengan belas kasihan-Mu, aku dapat mengatasi kesulitan dalam perjalananku, Bapa Tuhan, dalam doa ini sambil mata saya tertutup untuk berehat malam ini saya memohon agar Engkau mengutus Roh Kudus-Mu ke atas kami untuk membawa kelegaan, penghiburan dan inspirasi ke dalam hidup kami, oh Bapa Syurgawi yang kekal, semoga tangan-Mu berada di atas saya malam ini semasa saya merenung. kata-kata doa ini, saya tahu bahawa anda akan bersama saya di sini, Tuhan Yesus yang mulia dan terkasih, saya datang kepada-Mu pada saat ini dengan patah dan hati yang setia, mengangkat suaraku dalam doa, Tuhan Yesus, aku berpaling kepada-Mu kerana aku tahu pertolonganku bukan datang dari orang yang aku kenal, pertolonganku tidak datang dari atasanku, atau peguamku, atau doktorku atau bahkan hakim dari dunia ini, pertolonganku datang daripada-Mu yang merupakan penyusun dan penyempurna iman kami, Tuhan Yesus Kristus, dengan rendah hati aku memohon agar Engkau dekatkan telinga-Mu kepada doaku pada saat ini, ampunilah dosaku, kebencian dan keangkuhanku terutama apabila aku telah menyimpang dari-Mu dan membiarkan diriku tertipu oleh perkara-perkara yang tidak diredhai-Mu, aku berlutut di hadapan-Mu memohon belas kasihan-Mu agar Engkau mendengar tangisan lelaki ini dan wanita yang kini berada di sini. dengan saya berdoa dengan iman dan pengabdian kepada-Mu, Tuhan Yesus Kristus masuk hospital ini, masuk rumah ini, masuk ke bilik ini, di mana orang ini menderita dan terdesak untuk kesembuhan, saya memohon kepada-Mu untuk mencurahkan darah-Mu yang berharga dan mulia ke atas mereka yang Engkau curahkan di kayu salib untuk kami, semoga kehadiran-Mu mengubah keputusasaan menjadi harapan, mengubah kesakitan menjadi kelegaan dan mengubah penyakit menjadi kesihatan, Tuhan Yesus mungkin orang ini telah diputuskan oleh pakar perubatan, telah mendapatkan pelbagai rawatan tetapi tiada yang membantu, Tuhan Yesus, Engkau telah melakukan mukjizat besar pada masa lalu dan melakukan keajaiban ketika Engkau berada di sini pada Bumi, saya tahu bahawa Anda adalah sama semalam hari ini dan selama-lamanya  ( untuk meneruskan ,  klik di sini )

Helsinki - Toronto flight


The Helsinki-Toronto flight had 400 passengers 

but only 200 lunches. The airline messed up, 

putting the crew in a tough spot. But one clever 

flight attendant came up with a solution. About 

30 minutes after take-off, she announced:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not sure how this 

happened, but we have 400 passengers and 

only 200 lunches! Anyone who’s willing to give 

up their meal for someone else will enjoy 

unlimited wine for the flight."

Six hours later, she made another announcement: 

"Ladies and gentlemen, if anyone wants to 

change their mind, we still have 200 lunches 


So, the takeaway? Wine lovers really do have 

big, generous hearts! 😊  👏 ✌️ 🥂